[email protected] 0086-18027286528

Hemsida / Kasju


Support för OEM/ODM-tjänster
As a food production company, we're proud to offer premium-quality cashews that are delicious, nutritious, and made with the finest ingredients. Our cashews are rich in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, making them a great snack or ingredient for any healthy diet. We source our cashews from trusted suppliers and use state-of-the-art processing techniques to preserve their natural flavor and texture without the use of any artificial additives. Whether you're looking for a tasty snack or a healthy ingredient, our cashews are the perfect choice. Try them today and experience the difference that our commitment to quality and flavor can make.

100% Naturlig

Support för OEM/ODM-tjänster
“Bästa råvaran för att få bästa smak!” Vi har en hög kvalitetskontroll på tillverkningsprocessen och tillhandahåller förstklassig service till kunder med stark teknisk assistans. Vi vill utöka mer marknad med vänner i världen för att skapa en ljus framtid på grundval av ömsesidig nytta.
Ingredients:cashew kernel
Preservation Process:sealed storage
Sterilization:high temperature sterilization without preservatives
Storage:in normal temperature,refrigerate after opening
Shelf life:12 months
Brand:OEM Customer’s Brand
Packaging:Plastic bottle,Carton packaging
PRO date/EXP date:please see on the package



Cashew250gPlastic Bottle,Plastic Bag,Carton Packaging
Cashew500gPlastic Bottle,Plastic Bag,Carton Packaging
Cashew1000gPlastic Bottle,Plastic Bag,Carton Packaging
Cashew1500gPlastic Bottle,Plastic Bag,Carton Packaging
Cashew2000gPlastic Bottle,Plastic Bag,Carton Packaging
Cashew3000gPlastic Bottle,Plastic Bag,Carton Packaging
Cashew5000gPlastic Bottle,Plastic Bag,Carton Packaging
CashewAny Size Can Be CustomizedAny Packaging Can Be Customized



Anpassa ditt varumärke
Med högkvalitativa tillverkningsanläggningar och professionellt FoU-team kan vi göra allt för att möta din OEM/ODM Alla frågor.Kvalitet är ett kärnvärde hos Tianz, vilket återspeglas i alla aspekter av vår verksamhet.Skapa rikt värde som bidrar till din hälsa och välbefinnande.


Cashews are a highly sought-after nut for their rich nutritional value and unique taste. Tianz Food, a global food manufacturer, is proud to offer top-notch cashew products through our customizable OEM/ODM services. In this article, we’ll delve into the nutritional benefits, flavor profile, and practical applications of cashews, and explore how Tianz Food is committed to delivering quality services to our clients.

Nutritional Benefits:

Cashews are a powerhouse of nutrients, boasting a high content of healthy fats, fiber, and protein. They are also loaded with vital minerals and vitamins such as magnesium, copper, and zinc. These micronutrients play essential roles in supporting bone health, immune function, and cellular health.

Flavor Profile:

Cashews have a mild, buttery flavor that makes them an incredibly versatile ingredient in many dishes. They are a popular snack on their own or can be used to make nut butter, vegan cheese, and milk alternatives, among others.

Practical Applications:

Cashews are a favorite ingredient in many world cuisines. Indian cuisine uses cashews to thicken sauces and curries, while Western cuisine incorporates them into desserts like ice cream and cheesecake. They can also be roasted, seasoned, and used as a topping for salads, baked goods, and other dishes.

Tianz Food Services:

At Tianz Food, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality cashew products through our OEM/ODM services. Our focus on customizable products ensures that we meet our clients’ unique specifications, while our strict quality control and sustainable sourcing practices guarantee the highest quality products. We are committed to being socially and environmentally responsible, and our clients can count on us to deliver quality products that meet their needs.

In conclusion, cashews are an incredibly nutritious and versatile nut with a unique flavor profile. Tianz Food’s OEM/ODM services provide our clients with access to high-quality cashew products that meet their exact needs. Reach out to us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your cashew-related goals.


Kontorsadress (export): Guangzhou-kontor: nr. 610-611, Shu NJ ing handelscentrum, nr. 855, Industrial Avenue South, H Aizhu-distriktet, Guangzhou, Kina (fastlandet) Shanghai-kontor: nr.806-807, anropad AI, nr 333, fil 1, jinliknande väg, PU förstår nytt område, Shanghai, Kina (fastlandet)

Fabriksadress: Xinjiang: industriell ekonomisk och teknisk utvecklingszon sa han Qingshui Xinjiang Kina (fastlandet) Guangzhou: No.91 Z Ijing road, dongsha ekonomisk och högteknologisk zon, fang village, Guangzhou, Kina (fastlandet) Hubei: Xichu Industrial Park, Zigui, Hubei, Kina (fastlandet)

E-post:[email protected]


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